12 Mayıs 2016 Perşembe


The Gate of the Future :




             The most important condition to reach  the contemporary level of education is the presentation of the course, techniques  and methods used by teachers. The indispensable part of these techniques and the methods is the use of technology. Today, technology is an indispensable tool as trainers in education, schools and books. The world is not dealing with the literacy issues, dealing with  the issues of computer literacy, any more. Besides all these developments; after our needs analysis conducted in our school,  it has been found that our staff does not have enough information on using technology and  is inefficient in the field of using technology in their classroom.  It is clearly observed that this situation has a negative impact on our students' success. The primary goal of our project prepared  by taking all these needs into consideration  is to increase  the competence of our staff in using technology and let them create their lessons more effectively and efficiently. At the same time improving the quality of the learning and teaching environments, Increasing  thinking skills of our students, facilitating  access to information and transportation are the main goals of our project.
        During our project, 12 of our staff is going to go to abroad. In the first part of our project 6 of our staff   will participate in the course which was organized by a group based organization of Spain and will be held in Madrid "Creativity in Teaching and Learning using ICT: The Digital Classroom".
       After Our staff will attend courses here, they will  get a job observation on their colleague  studying with  the same age group in Italy especially they will have the opportunity to examine how to integrate the technology into their  lessons. After that our staff will get a job shadowing experience in Italy so they will have a chance to see the difference between our lessons and theirs.  By the help of the experience which they will get during the project, our staff will have a chance to observe how they will put their theoretical knowledge they got through the course into practice. 
        Following the completion of this process,  all the expected results are that our teachers will learn how to apply technology  in different environments and situations in the processing of their lessons, how to use technology most effectively in their lessons, to maximize the use of technology in their lessons, to facilitate their professional competence, to make their lessons more entertaining. As for the long term expected impacts  of this project,  that our school  will gain a European vision, it will be able to set an example for the equivalent primary schools, our students' learning will be long lasting is expected.

                                       ASLANBEY PRIMARY SCHOOL PROJECT TEAM 

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