Our school is situated in Kilis a small border city in the south east of Turkey. Since our city is a border city , it hasn’t got enough employment for everyone living here. Most of the time the city dwellers have to move to other cities to make a living leaving their children and other family members here. Our school has 327 students, majority of whom are girls, are educated. The school also has a kindergarten.
The students are generally the children of poor families and most of them come from the neighboring villages where the educational facilities for girls are considered to be rather low because of either the low income rate of the families or the facilities of their villages. The school is a primary school. The students are educated in the areas of social science , science and technology,language and the basic lessons. The success level of the students are pretty high and the language level which we give in our school is enough for communication.
We attach great importance to international cooperation. We believe that such kind of projects help people of different nationalities to get rid of their fear and prejudices and help to establish a better and peaceful world. We must think that every step we have towards understanding each other is like a small stone we put to construct a building.
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